Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up from the week and talk Penalties during quarterfinals as well as this was NFL draft week,  who would you draft as the best gymnast in CrossFit? Who is the most Powerful, Who has the best endurance?  Plus so much more!!!

00:00:00 Intro 
00:00:59 ThiccBoi Merch
00:03:05 Quarterfinals: Penalties & Leaderboards 
00:37:44 Crash Crescendo 
00:43:06 Draft Week: CrossFit Super Teams
00:59:05 Leaderboard Updates / Press Conferences / Wrapping Up

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody

welcome to thursday night

crossfit talk on a sunday

night um we did that

originally because of the

nfl draft and I am a huge

nfl fan and wanted to

partake in that and then

all hell broke loose and

it's probably a good thing

we did it because we know

more today than we ever

would have known on

thursday night so we can

actually discuss a little

bit more as to what's going on uh tonight

So before we get into all that,

I don't know if you've

noticed at the bottom of the screen,

we have a new sponsor.


Finally got a new sponsor this year.

It is Thick Boy.

You can see that Jamie and I

are wearing a Thick Boy shirt.

They're awesome.

They're super soft,

super comfortable shirts.

The most exciting thing is

They will be carrying

Clydesdale media merchandise.

They are doing up the screens now.

We should have something in

the next week or two as to

what will be available.

You'll be able to go to the

Thickboy website and order

shirts and tanks in the first run.

And then we'll take a poll

and see what other

merchandise you guys would

be interested in,

and we'll do that moving forward.

But it will feature the new logo.

the horse with the barbell

uh for the first run and uh

that'll be available in the

next week or so so super

stoked about that um these

shirts are super

comfortable I love I have

uh this one and a white and

blue one um they're pretty

amazing and again one of

the softest shirts I own

Yeah, they've got some hilarious ones.

They have a ladies one

that's cute but psycho.

He's got a ton of funny ones.

Mark actually goes to my gym

and he does all of our gym wear.

So I love it.

I'm biased because he's a member,

but I love it.

yeah speaking of sponsors if

anyone want to help sponsor

my trip to semifinals just

throwing it out there

started paying for my trip

and stuff and I was like

god damn this is getting

expensive yeah well

speaking of semifinals um

going to do some fun stuff

later because this has been

the whole week from the

crossfit world it is

semi-finals or

quarterfinals finished

videos were submitted um it

was sometime on wednesday I

believe penalties started

to be issued and the

leaderboards leaderboards

changed dramatically so

I was on with Tristan,

Jamie's coach on Thursday.

We talked about this and I

said on that show and I put

a reel out about it.

This is what we've been

asking for consistency, professionalism,

standard of movement.

Now everybody's going crazy

because they're implementing it.

I do agree.

They should have

communicated it at least some,

if not a whole lot better.


But it's here.

You two have not had a penalty yet.


we can share with the world and I

have it pulled up here.

Let me see if I can find it again.

I was going to post a video

soon on my Instagram with all of my...

Highlights from quarterfinals,

including my box step-ups

for people to see what standing up means.

Validated all four workouts.


Have you had any looked at, Jamie?

I've had workout two validated.


So that's the other thing

that I'm not sure was

communicated is how far

down they are doing the video review.

I've heard rumors of 80.


and that would make sense because Jamie

was way up on workout two,

but not that far up on workout one.

So that would kind of make sense in there.

Um, have you heard anything Carolyn?

How far they're going back?


I know that everyone that is inside

the top 40,

like originally it was top 60

was going to get their videos reviewed.

And then every new person

that's kind of entering the top 40,

I'm assuming everybody was

getting looked at.

What's very interesting is the age group.

I think their deadline for

the video validation

process is later and their

semifinals is coming up.

very soon but I guess

they're probably thinking

let's validate all of the

individuals that actually

have to have travel trips

planned versus the age

groups that are staying um

online for their semi-final

so um I think that the date

for you guys a little bit

later maybe a week later

for jamie and the age group

I think our I think it said

may 1st was our deadline it

was only a few days I

thought only a few days after

I mean, our time is May 8th,

so if May 1st is the finalization,

that gives you one week to

get your crap together.

Corey has moved into... Can

you pull your mic a little bit closer?


Okay, cool.

Bruce is asking Corey where did he end up.

I see he has moved up to like 185.

And it's top 200 for each age group,




So Corey could be a semifinalist.


Put it in the Insta profile, Corey,

in the bio.


So I ask you,

is this what you wanted as an

athlete to have?

And I think I know the

answer knowing the two of you,

but I want to hear from you.

Is this what you wanted?

You go first.

I mean, so yes, but I would,

I need to caveat that with

like just seeing like 600,

700 people get dinged with

no communication really

other than helping document

that shows the number of reps,

still no reasoning, still no,

like there's just no transparency.

And I think that is so wrong.

Yes, I want standards held,

but I want them held like

across the board.

And I want it clear.

I want, I want it very clear what,

what was okayed and what was not okayed.



I'm in agreement standards need to be



some standards were not held by the


I thought the wording was pretty clear.

Um, I think.

Where CrossFit needs to

communicate better is in the penalties.

And that part is subjective a little bit.

Like some people have,

let's say most of the reps

are good and then some bad

reps and they're still

getting the 15 or 20% penalty.

And some people,

all of their reps look bad.

that I guess,

or not no reps and they're

getting similar types of penalties.

So I guess just in that communication,

like which reps would be nice to,

to write.

And then in the past, actually,

I don't think they did that

on the scorecard of like,

what the no reps will be for penalties.

I think they did some

penalties last year in the quarterfinals.

Remember they had like a little thing.

If you false start, you have this,

this is the penalty.

If you have this, this is the penalty.

Something a little bit more

clear like that would be

nice in terms of exactly

what is the penalty for

that many or for that rule being broken.


We should be used to no

transparency by now as much

as we want it and need it.

Yeah, on both of those.

I have comments on both of those points.

Like, Carolyn, like,

what does a false start get you?

Five seconds.

What does... My issue is degree.

And it seems to be kind of

arbitrary this year.

Like, they wrote, like, 15 to 40%.


who even knows what you're getting

for what?


I personally feel like

different movements deserve,

and this gets into a super

arbitrary point.

So I understand it's

probably like nearly impossible, but.

someone not like completely

not opening their hips and

just getting up like at a

45 degree angle on the box

and going right back down

without even trying to like

put one of the other leg

barely on the box is a

completely different rep

than a slightly soft knee

where you actually like stood up.

And the degree of not

completing that rep and the

ensuing fatigue is, is impacted.

And like, I get it.

It's like, you,

how do you make those penalties?

But like a missed double

under is not the same as a

push away ring muscle up.

No rep.

Like, I'm sorry.

They're completely different,

different things.

And like,

So like not,

not getting shoulders back on

a top of a box step up is, isn't like,

isn't really where the

movement fatigue is felt.

So it's just, I don't know.

I do,

there is just degrees to the

penalties and I understand

that that's a realm that we

probably can't touch.

yeah uh it's just really

hard to see I just kind of

like look at everyone's

writing online oh like the

head can't look down the

head can look down that's

not where the issue is if

you try to extend your hips

your shoulders are not

forward they're just not

like if you finish your hip

extensions your shoulders

are in line it's not that

hard of a standard to move like to do um

Like people are like, Oh,

that movement should not be online.

It should have been a box step over maybe,

but that was the movement.

And I redid the workout

because I did not like my

original first reps.

Like I was still a little

bit over and I was like,

know that I know that the

shoulders need to be right in line.

Cause I was giving a side

angle of that movement and I was like,

I have to redo it.

So the next time I did it,

opened up the hips,

every single rep and like

the shoulders fall back.

Like I'm still looking at the box,

but my shoulders are back.

Everything is lined up.

Um, like I don't think the,

the standard is that difficult.

I think a lot of people kind

of treated it as a pistol

where like they're finishing that one leg,

especially if they're on

the corner of the box and

they're just tapping kind

of like a pistol,

like you're just done with

that one and then you're

kind of going the other

side and the block step up

is not a pistol in the

sense that you have to have both feet up,

both feet extend.

And like some people are

just finishing the one hip

and the other one's tapping

to come back down and it's

just kind of treated as a

pistol and it's not.

that non-working leg was a

major issue in a lot of videos I saw.

So Andrew Sten says,

CrossFit needs to be clear,

needs clear set penalties, not a range.

The rule book says 15 to 40%.

I want to agree with this with an example.

Years ago,

the NFL had two different

face-masking penalties,

a 5-yard and a 15-yard,

and it was up to the

discretion of the referee.

It became so inconsistent,

they did away with that and

said it's only 15 yards now.


So pro sports recognize that

in the heat of the battle,

it's hard to judge one or the other.

let's just make it one and

make it consistent across

the board yeah yeah he's

not wrong there like I

that's where I'm saying

like it's be there while I

think there's degrees I i

do realize it's probably

impossible to implement but

when he says a no rep is a no rep

There's something to be said

for what we have watched in

this sport for years and

what we watch happen live.

And then what I watched like

Pat Belner get no rep for.

I, that personally, I don't,

I don't think that would

have been no rep at the games.

I've seen clear no reps from other.

I think he would get fixed one time.

It would be no rep.

And then he would fix it.

That that's the thing with

the in-person competition is,

And like props to Pat for

putting his whole video up

because Pat's one of the best movers,

we know that.

But when I looked at the video, I was like,

I do see what the judges see.

And I saw the soft knee,

I saw the hips not fully extended.

And this has nothing to do

against Pat's character and

stuff like that.

Like I've seen posts where

people feel like we think

that they're cheating and

stuff like that.

It has nothing to do with that.

Like we're moving fast.

People were on the wrong side of the line.

And then they go and post

one rep on their story or

one rep or two reps on their post.

And it's their best rep.

And it's like, show me your full video.


Show me your full video.

Then I'll see.

But like most of the videos I've seen,

I have seen the penalty and I'm like,

I do see what the team has judged.

Do I think the penalty fits the crime?

That's where I think it's harsh, right?

Like I think most of them I

would have taken less reps away,

but I can't deny and say

that those reps were to the standards.

think for the ones that I've

seen I'm like yeah it's a

penalty like I wish I could

find it kelly stone at some

point posted the email she

got after her appeal was denied

And if you read the email,

that email says her sixth rep was good.

And which one did she post?

You can hear the judge saying six, seven,

like those.

That's the rep that the

games team literally says was good.

And I wanted to post and I'm like,

what I wanted to point out

is what you just said in the email.

They said,

this is not a judge on your character.

This is just we evaluated the reps,

made a decision based on the rep itself.

We know you worked hard.

We know you did all this stuff.

I have been critical of

CrossFit in their

communications a lot in the

last four years on this show.

Kudos to whoever wrote that email.

It was very well written,

explained it in detail what was good.

If you want to reference

what a good rep is, go to Rep 6.

If you want to – the rest

we've held in question,

and we're upholding your 165.



it's just like the amount that it

would drop people.

I was like – like my heart

feels for someone like Paige.

I don't know if she has had any –

communication on her appeal

or whatever but like

there's no way that she's

that far down on the

leaderboard right like it's

just I think some of the

penalties I wish I wish it

wasn't a percentage and it

was just like this rep is

bad so we're gonna take

that rep that like versus

A percentage.

I don't know how,

cause it's like what half a

second to open up your hips.

Like, I don't know if you could say like,

let's say one second, a bad rep,

look at the time it takes

for people to do reps.

And I don't know if that would even work.

I don't know how that would work,

but it seems like the reps

penalty is kind of absurd.

I agree.

That's, that's where my struggle comes in.

I, I,

In going through this,

I tried to list what are

the issues that CrossFit is

facing with quarterfinals at this point?

Money and time, probably most importantly.

They started this now.

They just brought in a ton

of extra cash by doing this.

A lot of people's comments have been,

They shouldn't let 25 percent in.

We got to go back to 10 or

even 5 percent need to be in.

We know that's probably not

even going to be a

resolution that they're

even going to look at

because they just got this

influx of cash.

And so I think that

monetarily is a big thing

we need to somehow

brainstorm around and time small team.


They don't have the time to

review that many videos.

I would say I would argue

the third thing is probably like control.

we are,

this goes back to what Andrew was

saying with transparency.

We're very aware that like,

it almost seems they want

to be secretive so that

they can make the decisions

that they want to make to

like get the results that they want to.

And I, and I could be completely wrong,

but why people get so

frustrated is the lack of transparency.

And there's just not enough

communication on.

So I like for 0.1 and one

specifically monetarily, I feel like

I feel like what they need to do,

go ahead and allow the 25% in out of,

out of the open.

And it's like,

maybe we set it to $25 to

compete and it's to compete,

to get on a leaderboard.

And it would be everyone

that signs up would be on

that leaderboard.

Now, do you want to video?

Cause I know there's a lot

of people who don't want to

want that hassle.

Do you want a video and do

you want a real reviewed

shot at making it to either

masters or indie?


That one's going to be like 60 bucks.

Maybe we find us a difference.


So if you're on this leaderboard,

It's only the people who are

going to submit videos.

You cannot submit a score

without a video in there.

And they will all go pop.

public at the close of the

score submissions that

leaderboard is a video

leaderboard that will be

public to everybody at the

end everyone else is on the

other one same with those

people so that everyone

that just participated

could possibly see well

shoot I was like only 20

spots out like maybe next

year I should sign up for

the other one um it can't

be two separate

leaderboards there needs to

be the the one but I feel

like that way the

These hundreds of people who

don't even have a video,

that page is now below,

wouldn't be on this.

She wouldn't even be up

against those people in this situation.

She would only be up against,

and it could be 400 people.

And again,

that's why it needs to go public.

And they're a small team.

So point two, small team,

make another influx of cash

because nobody's going to

sign up for the judge's

course next year because it

was completely pointless.


you make that leaderboard

judgeable online by anyone

who's done the judges

course and enough get flagged,

then it gets the deep review.

And so you've made more

money on a little bit

higher costs for signup.

You've made more money on

the judges review.

Like there's,

there's ways that they can be

a little more transparent

and get a little bit more

professionalism out of this sport,

but they need to like

relinquish a little bit of control.

I agree.

I love the idea.


I don't think having two

separate leaderboards will

ever happen in the minds of CrossFit.

I understand why, and I like your idea.

I'm just telling you,

without a significant

administrative change,

I don't see that happening.

Well, so...

who just posted, somebody just posted,

Andrew posted,

if you don't submit a video with your,

like he's saying,

just if you don't submit a video period,

you are removed from the leaderboard.

I have seen comments all over about that,

about people saying, I don't want,

I don't want to do that.

I don't want to submit a leaderboard.

I don't want to submit a video.

I don't want to deal with

the hassle of it.

I just want to pay, see where I fall and,


The second you make videos a requirement,

for one,

they're going to be garbage

videos unless you're

actually reviewing them all.

They're going to be a clip

of somebody cooking dinner

for five minutes.

And you're going to lose

people that don't want that

hassle signing up.

So you've just lost money

because you've said this is

the requirement.

It makes it more professional,

but it makes it less inclusive.

That's the thing, right?

And it's finding that

balance in CrossFit between

the professional side of

the sport and the participation side.

Because like you said,

some people won't put their

videos and they're like, no,

I won't sign up now because

I don't want to get torn to pieces by X,

Y, and Z. But even in the open,

you had people that have

their videos and they never

get looked at anyways.

So I don't know if it fully fixes,

but at least at the top of

the leaderboard, it would.

And I think people would

move better knowing that

their video is public.

A hundred percent.

Whether or not I'm going to

be posting this,

people are going to see what I move like.

I better move well.


So early in my gosh,

we have a lot ton of people on tonight,

which is awesome,

but the comments are coming in so fast.

Um, there was a comment earlier.

Do you think this is a one

year issue or do you think

this is going to continue

year after year?

Do you think this is the warning in my,

I'm going to put it in my words.

Do you think this was the warning shot?

We're going to put the

hammer down this year and

then everybody's videos are

going to be much better going forward.

I thought they had a good warning,

like the one year where

they had the pistols and like,

that was a warning too.

And then people went back to

moving like they normally

do when no one's watching.

Um, I don't know.

I just think people have to

be a little bit more careful of, you know,

watching their video over looking,

you know,

having someone else look it over.

Does this meet the standard

and do I have to redo it too?

And just taking a little bit

more personal

accountability for the

movement standards.

Hopefully it cleans it up, though.

I'm hoping.

But they definitely had

harsh penalties this year.

It's just nerve-wracking to even wait.

Even though you know you move well,

you're just waiting on the email.

Oh, for sure.


I feel like there's a...

line where it's almost like,

do I just move ridiculously fast,

ridiculously shitty and

take a 20% penalty?

And, and like, that's the thing.

Tia's score was so high that

she's only an eighth and it

doesn't even matter.

Um, so like at some point, so in like his,

Hiller brought this up,

like he was there and he

slowed bill down and did he

do him a disservice?

Cause he got a double hit.

I feel like that is a real

struggle in my mind.

I struggle with it with Jim.

Cause I am,

I know how everyone in that

bracket moves.

And again, until things are transparent,

you aren't going to get a

sweeping change.

So just to clarify,

Andrew Hiller told Bill

Leahy to slow down his reps

and redo them because he

was afraid he would take a hit.

Analyzing it after the fact,

he feels like if he would

have went faster taking the hit,

he would have been in a

better place today than he

was after Andrew told him to slow down.


And so I ask you, you know,

Andrew said that workout itself is,

And I think this is bigger

than just make it a step over.

But he said when you're

taking a Ferrari and it has

a hard curve in it,

it's very hard to hit that

movement at the curve.

A lot of people are going to crash.

And when you're trying to move fast,

get up and down on that box,

that you take that curve in

a way that's a little bit dangerous.

And that's where the extension is.

I'm not a high-level athlete.

I don't understand Ferrari and NASCAR.

So I ask you,

is that a real perception for

you as an elite athlete?

Well, what's the saying?

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast?

I don't think the box

step-up is the same thing as an air squat,

for instance,

on how fast someone can move.

finish their like hip extension.

I still think the fact that

you have double the weights, yes,

it drags your shoulders a

little bit forward.

But again,

if you finish your hip extension,

I don't think it's as much

as the Ferrari as other

movements that we can see,

like the pistol that's very fast,

where are you putting your

foot down before you're finishing?

I think that there that it's

still a movement that

that can stay online,

like in an online competition.

Like when we think about a

movement that you don't

want to see online,

like an air squat would be

pretty fast for some people.



I think it's a very doable standard.



Like I was still able to get

24 reps and I'm not very

tall and I shot my hips forward.

And when you said that at

the beginning of the show,

it made me think that as an elite athlete,

and you have athleticism,

you know what you have to

adjust to go as fast as you

can and stay within the law.

A NASCAR driver knows that

this bend coming up,

how fast he can take it and

still remain in his line.


The thing,

the thing that's tough is the

slowing down of the videos, right?

When you're online,

it's like the video review

versus the live in person

that that's the difficult part.

The fact that you can slow it down,

zoom in, slow it down, zoom in.

At what point do we allow

just natural eye and like

judgment to be called?


I absolutely don't think

there should be slowdowns.

The thing that's difficult

is in-person competitions,

we can never use a video to

justify a rep.

And it's like, we can have it on video.

We can slow it down.

That's another issue, too.

I mean,

it would take forever for the

appeals for an online competition.

But yeah,

that's the thing that's hard

about online is the fact

that you can zoom in,

slow down to whatever speed.


Carolyn did not receive any penalties,

and all four workouts are validated.

Just to catch you up.

Get those videos posted, girl.

Let's see what a good rep is.

Show us the standard.

I will.

People need to know.

D. Reed asked if it was hips, knees,

head position.

Yeah, hips and knees is what I've heard.

I've heard the head position,

but I have yet to see an

actual athlete post an

email that said it was

purely your head position.

I think maybe it was commented on,

but I think even in the

people that the head position was noted,

it was soft knees was the

major reasoning behind it.

So I feel like the head and hip extension.

If you didn't finish your hips,

your shoulders are in front,

your head can still look down.

You finish your hips.


your shoulders automatically go back.

Look back at the Hiller

video on the deadlift,

just finishing your hips.

Like your chest goes up.

Like you can still look down

at your feet on the, on the box,

but your rep is finished,

but it's a soft knee.

It was the tap kind of like

the treating it like a

pistol where you finished

the one hip and the other

hip is the other foot was tapping.

And that was the difference.

People were treating it like

a pistol instead.

So let me ask you this.

Of all the videos that have made it public,

did you see one that was

the head only that was not extended?



Not a one.

Like I saw that.

Then I've looked at like Pat's.

I've looked at Madaris's.

I've looked at other people's.

None of them had the issue with the head.

It was a soft knee.

It was the non-working leg.

Those were the issues.

Or they were still bent over.

They did not stand upright.

Um, and they, in all honesty,

everyone that I've seen was

a blatant no rep.



Or people post their one or

two good reps to their

stories or Instagram.

And it's like, okay,

if you're that confident

about your movements,

show me your full round.

Show me one full minute of your movements.

And we'll see if all of them

look like that.

Because that's the thing is

most of them don't have

their whole video looking bad.

It's just there's a

significant amount of reps.

I just want to know.

I would just like to see how

many significant and what is the penalty.

Like does the penalty make sense?

Was it the whole workout

that your hips were like that?

Because like Pat had some

good reps as well.

And then he had some bad reps.

So it's like, that's the thing.

If you posted it, we could,

maybe we'd be in your favor.

Maybe we'd be like, you know what?

I watched it in real time

and I counted 14 bad ones.

I would give you a 14 rep penalty,

not a 36 rep penalty.


When I was watching Pat,

it was the one leg that

seemed to be more no rep than the other.

So I think he had a stronger

leg and a weaker leg and it, you know,

like we all do probably.


Um, so there's all the,

there's so much going on in the comments.

Um, our, our,

my friend Dex is in the comments.

Um, he wants to go back in time.

I'm not necessarily, I don't,

I am not a big proponent of

going back in time.

I know.

I think we need to learn

from this and like move forward.

Lana says,

would floor plans with camera

location have helped?

I do think in a way they,

they do maybe need to re-release the,


Purely for everyone having

basically the same angle, right?

And someone else not being like, oh,

that was a terrible angle.

That's why I got dinged.

I mean,

if it's pretty standard what we're

looking at,

then at least we're all on the

same page there.


like a lot of people had their step

ups towards the back, right?

And I had this dilemma of like,

where do I put my camera in this video?

Because I want the camera to

see the screen.

So like after every round,

I had the camera move to

the screen in my rest period.

But I was like,

I want the camera to see the screen,

but I also want them to see my step up.

So if I have the camera behind me,

I can't step up.

same way that I'm facing for

the row so I had to take an

extra little bit to turn

around for my first set of

step ups and I was like oh

this is gonna be slower

transitions but like then I

gave them exactly that side

angle that they probably

want to see the hip

extension for yeah just for

a laugh some of these

people never did zumba and it shows

Okay, so I like Jamie's solution.

I do believe that this is a – I'm hoping.

I'm very hopeful that this

is a one-year thing.

This is, hey, this is our warning shot.

You need to make your –

because I think that what

could have solved all of

this is CrossFit coming out and saying,

for quarterfinals,

we're not joking around.

The standard will be the standard.

We need to clean up our online game.

We are going to rule to the

letter of the law.

Make sure your videos are clean.

Good luck.

Let's go.


like with a smaller field for some of

these competitive regions,

we're going to be, you know,

putting the hammer down to

make sure that the 40

athletes moving on are

adhering to the standards.

That's it.

Are they though?

I mean,

I've seen a lot of other video

videos that are of other workouts.

They aren't even touching

that are clearly not

meeting the standards.


I don't think they looked at

three and four very much

because like both of those

were like accepted very fast,

like within 20 minutes or

30 minutes of each other.

like last night.

So I don't, I don't know.

Is other sports do that,

even though they have a rule book,

the NFL will come out and say,

we are going to make a

point of emphasis to look at this, this,

and this, this year.

And those things,

the penalties go up at the

beginning of the year until

it becomes a little more corrected.

And then as the year goes on,

it gets better.


I agree.

I agree with, with PC here that like,

You shouldn't have to do that.

But if you're going to be

completely different in your calls,

I think maybe just a warning of like, hey,

we're going to be putting

the hammer down.

And Wad Zombie says,

based on CrossFit's online

judging history,

they should have to state

it because this is the

first time they've ever

followed the standards 100%.

I think whatever they told

these online review team to watch for,

they should have released a

statement before we started quarters.

That's what you do.

You get the briefing at

semis and the games, right?

Those judges are told what

to watch and it's briefed

to the athletes.

Don't do this.

Like, hey, we're focused on this.

For one,

a statement maybe should have gone

out to the AFJ.

Maybe the AFJ needs to

partner better with

CrossFit to get that said to them.

And once they knew,

maybe they could have put out...

And again,

it probably goes back to control

and communication and transparency,

but maybe if we put our trust in the AFJ,

and the AFJ looked at the workouts,

then got a briefing from CrossFit,

and then put a public

statement out to all athletes...

Is that an unfair advantage, though,

for the people that have

access to those AFJ?


I don't know that they

should be like certified

and those videos should

just be put through because

they had those judges.

I don't know if I agree with that.

That's a that's a haves and haves not.

And only the ones with the

money and are getting

through because they've, you know,

put themselves in a

position to get money.

But it still comes down to

you know you're not online

or you know you're not in person.

In person,

you know you'll get a no rep and

you can adjust it.

So when you're moving online

and you're submitting a video,

it goes back to review your

video and make sure, well, one,

it's playable.

And two, like your movements are good.

And if you don't feel comfortable,

if you keep slowing down a

certain rep or two and you

have an uneasy feeling about your video,

you should probably redo it.

And like, that's what I did.

I was like,

I don't like this one that much.

I feel, I feel bad submitting this.

We're going to redo it.

Lex says, simple.

Watch your videos before you submit.

Very true.

Have someone else look at

your video before you submit.

I know athletes would have that happen.


Um, so,

So that's that.

I don't think we're going to

solve anything today.

But we spent 40 minutes on that.

So let's talk a little bit

about Crash Crescendo.

It was a cool event where

some of the top teams in

the sport traveled to Spartansburg,

South Carolina, competed this weekend.

Mayhem Independence ended up winning that.

that competition.

And that is the team that

qualified for semis out of

mayhem with Angelo DiCicco.


Sam, Zoe, and Molly.


All of them.


Gridhouse came in second.

Let's see what happened.

Came in third.

CrossFit reignited fourth.

And Ocean State came in fifth.

Huge, huge shout out to my girl,

Christine Best,

who on the final flip sled

injured her knee.

I couldn't see if it was a

knee or an ankle.

It was a knee.

I talked to her this evening.

She twisted her knee on the one flip sled.

She doesn't know what she's

actually done yet,

but she is able to walk on

it at this point.

And she's hoping that when

the swelling goes down, it'll be okay.

But now it's just getting

home and then trying to

figure out what's up with it.

And then her teammate who

had to do all the remaining flip sleds.

I know.

I mean,

if you had to pick a teammate that

was strong to finish that sled –

I'm pretty sure.

Christine Middleton, is it?


Christine or Kristen Middleton is the

athlete that you want to

just flip the sled for the entire week.

Because if that's your weaker athlete,

then you're screwed.

But yeah,

she was impressive that she just

carried on.

She knew what happened and just like,

all right, I got this.

Don't worry.

I felt bad when she finished

and collapsed to the floor

and there was nobody from

her team available to like

congratulate her because

they're all worried about

Christine's knee.

But she was, she was, she,

she was well congratulated

by other teams when she finished.

But that was, that was just,

that was pretty impressive.

That was impressive thing to watch.

It was.

Brian did get teared up.

That was kind of sad to watch.

They had some good events.

JR puts on great comps,

always has unique elements.

I saw the rope on the dumbbells,

and I was like, that's cool.

He's just always thinking outside the box.

This is a great tune-up

competition for most of

these teams are competing in

what, just over a month now,

about a month for the East,

if they're on the East side.

Like if they were doing a

regular training weekend at this point,

like I don't think it's

like that much of like risk of an injury.

I think it's far enough away

from their competition and

it's great experience on a team to see.

know where you are and how

you work together on these

workouts um hands on odd

objects worms all those

kinds of things that you're

going to see at semifinals

jr always does a great job

and I don't know if you saw

carolyn but he announced

you as the first games

athlete signed up for um

crash individual

competition in the off

season yeah I'm excited

I, I, well,

I watched it last year and I

had FOMO and I was like, next year,

I was like,

I think this would be a good one in,

in my off season.

Cause I didn't do any of the

off season comps this year.

And I was like, looking at that one,

I was like, this is the type of comp that,

Oh, actually I did the NorCal classic.

I'm lying.

But I was like, this is the type of.

competition that I think

would be good experience on

some unique elements and

some high skill stuff that

he programs um so yeah he

reached out to me and I was

in pedro too or peter I

should say from coffee pods

and wands um made it happen

so I'm super excited yeah

patrick clark says you'd

you pretty much did rogue

too it's true in the

shadows of the warehouse yep

Oh, Jamie, Jamie did Crescendo or not.

Is that right?



I get a mixed up.

You did Crucible last year

and it was crazy.

Like you,

you had been on things that you

had never been on in your

CrossFit career.


He's got, he's got, I mean,

he's got a lot of equipment there.

So he's got a lot of

available items to use

things that I don't have.



That was Lex's text to me.

How much stuff does J.R.

have at his gym today?

She's like, he has everything.

And I was like, yep.

I feel like the money that

he makes on comps is just

poured right back into the gym.

It's not like pocketed.

I feel like what other comps would do.

I feel like he's really

giving back to making sure

his gym has everything needed.

What's nice too is he has

the two kinds of gym floors, the turf,

the regular floor,

and then depending on the event,

you flip it back and forth,

makes a completely different event.

So that's pretty cool.

So we wanted to finish up

with something fun because

it's been a stressful week

for a lot of people.

And that is, um,

It's draft week.

NFL just had a big draft.

We are going to draft our super teams.

And the way I presented it

to these two is if you're

starting a CrossFit super team,

who would you start your

franchise with in these

specialist categories?

One male, one female in each category.

So the categories are going

to be power output, gymnastics, endurance,

Olympic lifting, upper body pulling,

odd objects, and leadership.

Dex is looking for a shout out here.

Yeah, Dex the water boy.

So we're going to start with power output.

And I'll switch it up each time.

But this time we'll start with Jamie.

Male or female right now?

Uh, both we'll do both each time.


So my power output,

I will take Dale and pepper.

And so this doesn't sound

like a great pick,

but I have a reason when

you see my whole team,

I'm going to pick Emma

Lawson for my power output.

Why Emma Lawson?


you gotta wait till I've given you

all my people.




My power output is going to be Roman.

Although I was going back

and forth between Hopper as

well and Roman and Dallin.

And for the females,

I'm going to pick Olivia Kerstetter.


I think she can move machines.

She can move some big weights.

My power output is Dallin

Pepper and Laura Horvat.

Laura's still young.

People forget.

Um, and start in two of the youngest,

most powerful athletes in the sport.

Start there.

Kenneth, the lab says Sam dancer,

Alex Kazan.

Are we talking about power output?

Like on machines?

I didn't take it fully that way, but yeah,

machines I'll take curse there.

And this is to start your franchise,



I'm switching to Horvath.

I thought Tim Paulson,

but I wouldn't want to

start a franchise with him.

He's at the end of his career.

I'd want someone that I have for 10 years,


So that's why I went that way.

Patrick Clark went Gabby and

Freyova on the women's side.

I almost went Gabby too.

I only used each name once on my team.


Then we go to gymnastics.

Are we talking pressing

gymnastics or pulling gymnastics?

Nobody jumped in our note page.

Males, I'm going to pick Victor Hoffer.

That's a great one.

And woman,

I would in general pick Emma Lawson.

I want Gazan in terms of

pulling if I could.

And in terms of handstand gymnastics,

it would be Daniel Brandon.

But overall,

I'm going to pick Emma Lawson

and Victor Hoffer.

I pick the exact same.


I pick Pat Vellner and Alexis Raptus.

Nice picks.

Nice picks.

I like it.

Kenneth DeLapp picks Vellner and Lowen.

Also great picks.

Very good.

Dee Reed picks Taylor Self and Raptus.

Very good as well.

There is an upper body pulling category,


Is Carolyn allowed to draft herself?


I don't think I'm a

specialist in any of these.

Wad Zombie picked Colton for

every category.

One man team.

All right.

So then we go to endurance.

And I'll go first.

I have Yonikoski and Emily Rolfe.

And both of them kind of

break my mold of I want

them around for a while,

but they're just both so damn good.

Am I next?

I pick Brent Fikowski and Emily Rolfe.

I'm going to pick Yellow Hosta.


I was deciding between

Christy O'Connell or Holta.

I'll pick Christy.

Bringing them out of retirement?


I think Christy just ran an

ultra marathon.

That girl's freaking – I

mean Christy is probably

the same age as Rolf.

Rolf is 34.

Kenneth is going to go BKG

and bring back Sam Briggs.

So I have Sam Briggs.

Sam Briggs is who I originally wrote down.

You will notice at the end

of my list why Sam Briggs

is not on my list.

Patrick Clark said Adler and Sahir Kaya.

Wad Zombie just wants Emily

Rolfe as the face of the franchise.

Great picks.

All right.

So then we go to Olympic lifting.


And we're back to Jamie.


I have Jack Farlow and Amanda Barnhart.

I'll take Guy,

and I'll take Laura Horvath here.

So I had Laura here.

Actually, I picked Laura, right,

for output?

No, you picked Kerstetter.

Okay, I'll take Kerstetter.

Okay, I'll pick Horvath here.

Which is funny.

I had Laura here.

I crossed her off, put Kerstetter here.

Good pick.

And then I went Jack Farlow.

Patrick Clark goes Tola and Middleton.

Middleton, yeah.

Sarah Cooper, Jack, and Laura.

Hannah Black, Matt Fraser.

I also thought about Hannah Black on this.

For endurance, Dee Reed says Holberg,

Lucas Holberg, and Christy.

So I think, yeah.

Judy Reed says,

didn't Tia go to the

Olympics for lifting?



She's due to retire soon.

Wad Zombie Frazier doesn't

even like CrossFit anymore.

So then we go to upper body pooling.

And that is Carolyn to start.

Kazan Vellner.

I'm winning this draft.

I'm sorry.

I'm winning.

No, no, no, no.

I'm winning this draft.

No, no, no, no.

Look at the quarterfinals

and work out three.

And I'm going Alex Kazan and

Saxon Panczyk.

Saxon's a good one.

You can't pick Kazan.

I picked Kazan.

What are you doing?

We're repeating all over the place.


I wrote my list this morning.

We can match.

We can have the same ones.

We can because we're doing it a weird way.


But Saxon Pinchot, don't sleep on him.

Look at his time in workout

three compared to the world.


That is a good pick.

I pick Taylor Self and Alex Kazan.

Yeah, I think Alex is undisputed.

Well, Emma Tall crushed that alpaca.

Yep, she did.

We have Leahy and Kazan.

We have Cody Anderson and Kazan.


Someone just says this draft is wild.

Hey, we're just trying to have fun.


Someone threw in Kelsey Keel for Oli.

Very good.

Very good pick.


If she wouldn't have been

penalized this week,

I would have went with her.


She's back in now.

Is she?

Yeah, she is.

Did she get an appeal or what?

She still has some reps off,

but I think she's around

the 20-something spot.

She came back in.




so I would like to hear some of these

appeals, too,

and look at what people are getting back.

All right.

Kenneth says Jedediah Snelson.


That's great.

The guy can pull, that's for sure.



Um, so then we go to odd out.

We're in the last two categories,

odd object.

And it's, is it me or?

I think it's you.


So I, I, okay, here we go.

Sydney McElishan and Nick Matthew.

Oh, am I next?

I have Nick Matthew and Danny Spiegel.

I'm going Brent.


Females odd object.


I don't even know.

I can't believe we haven't

named Tia at all.

She's just good overall at everything.

If I'm starting a franchise,

she's at the end of her career.

I didn't look at it that way.

That's how I looked at it.

Yeah, that's fair.

It's my team.


I feel like you need a, I'll pick,

I'll pick Spiegel here.

You need someone that's athletic.

Spiegel's athletic.


You looked at me funny with Sydney.

I just,

I'm trying to think of an odd

object workout that she

actually went back to the

games leaderboards and

looked at odd objects.

She does very, very well.

She's an amazing puller.

I contemplated her for pulling,

but I'm trying to think of

an odd object workout.

What, which one are you thinking of?

So different sandbag

workouts at the games.

She's done well in all of those.


That's just not the name I

would have thought of.

I actually did do some research.

I pulled up games

leaderboards and looked at

who did well and what different things.

Yeah, I did too.

So we finish up with maybe

the most interesting one,

the person you're going to

bring on just for

leadership to lead this team to victory.

Jamie, go.

Rich Froning and I'm picking

Carolyn Lambre.

She's not even an athlete.

Oh, so I was going to ask you that.

Does it need to be somebody

who's going to compete or

is it purely my leadership?


I think it's someone that you're

going to put it.

It's a player coach.

Then I pick Carolyn.


I'm between two for females.

I'm between Sam Briggs and Carrie Pierce.

I'm going to pick... I'm

going to pick Sam Briggs.

And then for the men, I mean...

got any people that I

haven't picked right so I

can't pick pat or um or

brent what do I have left

hmm let me pass right now

let me think about it go

scott go to I had carolyn

on my list but I went with ariel owen

She was my other one.

If I was really picking athlete, athlete.

Because a lot of the

athletes I've talked to

over the years say how she

treats them like their mom at the games.

I will go with Noah from the chat.

I forgot about Noah.

That's who mine is.

I came back in before you, Scott.

Came back in.

Dang it.

I had Noah written down.

I have a rundown, too.

I crossed them out and put Rich.

Yeah, pick Dylan.

Ariel and Dylan are my leadership people.

There you go.

I think that'd be, well, I don't know.

I don't have Brent on my list,

so that'd be a good place for him, too.

I think Pat would be a great leader.

And I don't have Pat on my list yet,


So I'll go with Vellner.

I think you've got to post

all three lists on your

social media and let the

fans also pick their.

All right.

If you send me your handwritten list,

like take a picture of it or something,

I'll post them all.

And then you guys can vote on which one,

which list was the best.

I just think it's crazy.

T is not on their list or Matt and we have,

and those are the two.

Yeah, Matt's not even competitive.

I don't have a single non

North American athlete.

They're all American or Canadian.

So that doesn't mean I listen,

I wanted people that I

wanted to compete with and

I felt like would be fun to work with.

And so it's all people I can

understand how they talk

and feel like good personalities.

So mine are just all in the North America.

So Patrick Clark says

Chandler would be a good one.

Went to a leadership school.


Maybe one of the best

leadership schools out there.

And he's a good dude.

And he had like Andrea Nistler as leader.

I don't know how she has as a leader,

but yeah, she's a heck of an athlete.

Do you retry?

I, whoops.

I tried to nominate Matt for leadership.

One T. One T. Yeah.

So that was fun.

And the chat pointed out

that I forgot sprint.

I forgot overall athlete.

So there's room to do some

more of this in the future.

We'll make up all new

categories and we can do it again.

I was going to do coach,

but I didn't want to put

you guys into a weird position.

As one of you has a coach

that they actually work with.


Tia for overall athlete.

We have a pretty good one

right here on the set.

That'd be interesting too.

There's a difference between

athlete and fitness though.

There's a huge difference

between being an athlete and being fit.

Like we talked about this

back when Rogue was going on.

The athletes showed

themselves in that over,

that bracketed sprint,

like Paige Semenza and

Danny Spiegel and Jason Hopper.

Like they have a different

athleticism than just straight fitness.

And it showed a lot at Rogue.

Easy, easy as a,

as long as he's on dry land,

he's an athlete.

That's what Corey called it.

That's what the teammates are for.

They put them in the water.


So this was fun.

We started off serious with

some penalties.

It is supposed to be finalized tomorrow.


Does it say what time?

Do we think they're going to

meet the deadline?

I don't know.

If they really, I mean,

they just asked for three

and four videos.

And I don't know if that was

just to like verify the

videos are in there or

they're going to actually

review them and they might

want another couple of days.

Who knows?


I don't think they really

looked much at three and four.

It was just probably looking

at the measurements.

They glanced a few work,

a few movements and like, okay,

that's good enough.

Nothing stuck out.

Like, but there's still, I mean,

I haven't heard from like

all of the appeals and stuff like that.

Like I'd like to see at the end,

obviously the next few days.

All of the penalties and

still like Freya too with

her video too waiting to

see what happens with that one as well.

I saw Caitlin got hers in.

So she's back in.

Caitlin Van Zyl and Freya,

their scores were missing

from workout two.

Caitlin's is now back,

and she's back in semifinals.

But a little behind the curtains,

I started scheduling our

semifinal interviews,

which was a very bad move

before these penalties

because two of the three

people I scheduled, I had to cancel.

Were you just like, you didn't make it?

Yeah, we're canceling this.

So before the appeal came back,

this was my honest feeling as well.

I don't want you coming on

the air with a pending appeal.


I don't want that to affect what's

going on with CrossFit.

So let's postpone, see where this goes,

and then we'll make a

decision from there.

So I have stopped scheduling

until this leaderboard becomes final.

I do have Gabby Spence

scheduled on Thursday.

She has not moved this

entire time and I'm praying

that that happens.

So at least have one on the

books going forward.

So did you read, I think PC just said,

did you see Rose Scott's Instagram post?

I, I didn't see their Instagram posts,

but I did see that she was,

her videos were removed or

she didn't have.

It says,

so the email they sent her says

you did not submit a working video.

You sent in a video from

2023 and then she goes on

to show it and it's says

it's clearly uploaded for 21.

Oh, it's crazy.

But then you can see that

like she uploaded videos in

the last like six hours that were.

Oh, did she?

So maybe she replaced it.


I don't know.

I don't want to spend.


But I'll stop talking.

I don't know.

I don't know enough.

We talked about this with

Tristan on Thursday.

Patrick Clark said,

when's the next CrossFit

press conference?

Remember when we had those?

We actually talked about that.

Because Tristan was like,

wouldn't it be nice if

there were press conferences?

I'm like, there used to be.

Up until Justin Berg was let go.

And think what you will about Justin Berg.

At least we had a press

conference to ask questions.

Even if they skirted the answer,

we got a chance to at least

address that with them.

Since he's left,

we have not had but

in-person semifinals and

games press conferences.

Has it been replaced with

Dave's weekend review?

That's what I was kind of wondering.

But that's not a press conference.

That is a global chat.



did they remove the male from the

female 40 to 44?

They did.

I think two days ago.

Just down 12 spots.

Was someone signed up for him?

Completely wiped.

If you type in his name,

every single score is a zero.

He's like completely wiped.



That person.


I got, I got it mixed up.


I don't know.

Aaron knew Aaron kept

watching for him on the leaderboard.

He was wondering if, yeah.

Like a dude signed up for the women's.

He had, he had a score last year.

He had a picture of himself.

He made it through the open.

He did all the quarterfinal workouts.


But yes, he's removed.


hopefully the Freya thing gets sorted

and the Roe Scott one gets sorted too.

With whatever's going on.

Well, with that,

one final thank you for Thickboy for...

sponsoring the show.


he'll be with us for a couple of months.

And again,

Clydesdale merchandise will be

coming soon, uh,

to the thick boy website.

Uh, they're getting the screens ready now.


and we're having t-shirts and tanks on

the first run.

It's going to be the new horse logo.

Uh, the,

they will come in the colors are blue,

purple, and, uh, gray.


so you can use code jamie20

for 20 off oh there you go

put that in there and we

love thick boy because that

boy with it all right so

with that we will catch

everybody next time on

thursday night crossfit


Actually, it'll be on Thursday.

All right.

It's everybody later.

Bye guys.

And the video.